Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) System

Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) System

Category:SCR System
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are some of the primary pollutants emitted during a combustion process. Along with sulfur oxides (SOx) and particulate matters (PM), NOx emissions contribute to acid rain and ozone formation, visibility degradation, and human health concerns.
SCR technology is currently the most effective method of post-combustion NOx reduction. In the SCR System process, a catalyst facilitates a chemical reaction between NOx and a reagent (usually ammonia) to produce harmless nitrogen and water vapor inside a sealed reactor.

Key Features

  • De-NOx Efficiency > 90%
  • SOx Conversion Rate (SO2 → SO3) < 1%
  • NH3 Slip < 2ppm
  • Catalyst Life >24,000 Hours or 3 Years
  • Low Pressure Drop



Coal Fired Power Plant

Coal Fired Power Plant
The following catalyst is used in coal fired power palnt
Plate-Type Catalyst
Plate-Type Catalyst
Honeycomb-Type Catalyst
Honeycomb-Type Catalyst

Combined Cycle Power Plant (HRSG)

Combined Cycle Power Plant (HRSG)
The following catalyst is used in combined cycle power plant
Corrugated-Type Catalyst
Corrugated-Type Catalyst

Cement Manufacturing Plant

Cement Manufacturing Plant
The following catalyst is used in cement manufacturing plant
Honeycomb-Type Catalyst
Honeycomb-Type Catalyst





Catalog download link: Click here!

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